Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Herding Cats

Have you ever woken up the morning after a large dinner and find that you are still full? Well, I'm still full from Thursday night. I made a birthday dinner for my mom that would have made Paula Deen quiver at the cholesterol content: fried chicken with cream gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, lima beans, fresh peaches, and grilled texas toast. Let's be honest- I was full three bites into the meal. But, as a card-carrying member of the Clean Plate Club, it was my duty to finish. Because if you don't eat every single morsel of food on your plate, you don't get dessert. That's the way it's always been and it makes perfect sense. "Natalie, finish ALL of that fried chicken if you want some cake. And don't forget that drop of gravy." Why are we fat in America? No idea. I think the problem lies with organic produce.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Soapbox

Mrs. Griffith goes to Washington.

Wait, is that me? Mrs. Griffith is my mother-in-law. I honestly had a moment the first time a babysitter called me that. I know I have gray hair and don't go out on Saturday nights anymore, but please, I'm still young! It's like the first time you go out and don't get carded...and then you rush out to buy better under-eye concealer.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Reach the Day

Today I participated in my first Reach the Day training. Reach the Day is an annual event for members of the childhood cancer community to come on down to Washington and beg/demand/ask nicely for research money. Tomorrow, we converge on Capitol Hill and meet with our House and Senate members. Somehow, I am going to be bringing my own little cancer card named Eve with me to seven different meetings in hopes that her charm and good looks will convince people on appropriations committees to fund the Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act for the full $30 million dollars Congress is authorized to give the Children's Oncology Group each year for five years. Did you get all that?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's 5:00 somewhere.

Where did the time go this week? Between the pool, Safety Town, and Vacation Bible School, I'm not sure where the kids found time to make a mess. So where did the time go? Hmm...maybe it's hiding under the couch with everything else from the playroom.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Normalcy for Dummies

Thursday night kicked off "let's get really excited for kindergarten" week. Matt and I went to the parent orientation at Natalie's soon-to-be elementary school and listened as the staff answered questions to a room full of Nervous Nellies. A few of which mistakenly showed up at the kindergarten orientation instead of their kids' Mensa meeting. ("But just HOW are you going to challenge my child once he's bored with chapter books and kindergarten math? What do you mean, you can't teach them the next grade level up?? My child is obviously much smarter than these other people's kids!")

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010


You might have been able to tell that I have a mild obsession with food. I don't discriminate; I will eat nacho cheese for my first course and chateaubriand for my second. You can imagine my surprise when Matt said we were going to Second Empire on Friday for my birthday. I would have been happy with Taco Bell! But most definitely not as happy.