Monday, February 21, 2011

The After-Math

Ever made 120 dozen chocolaty-somethings?

Your kitchen would be ridiculous. In fact, I'm still finding chocolate and powdered sugar in places I didn't know chocolate and powdered sugar could hide.

But you know what? Sometimes kickin' it old-school and hosting a bake sale is the way to go. All the cool kids are doing it.

How much did the Hearts for the Hairless Bake Sale bring in?


Never underestimate the power of a good cupcake.

You know what else all the cool kids are doing? Joining Team Eve in the Triangle CureSearch Walk. You don't even have to be there in person- you can sign up as a virtual walker. And then you get to brag to all your friends how awesome you are because you are helping Team Eve kick cancer's ass.

Do it, before the Downstairs Eve is unleashed!

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